Ok, friends, listen up, as this is seriously interesting stuff.

A couple of years ago, I got introduced to a supplement (that’s capsules in a bottle, like at the health food store) by my friend John Gray.  The effects have been remarkable over this time, and the implications for the relationship of brain chemistry and consciousness are off the charts.  I got in touch with Brian Cunningham,  the inventor of the capsules in the bottle, and learned a lot about how the brain works.

Wanna know more?  Well, I’m no scientist, but I’ve been experimenting, so I’ll do my best to explain.

For as long as we can remember back, we know that human beings have been affected by different moods, or states of consciousness.  Excitement is a state of consciousness.  Boredom is a state.  So is depression, anxiety, grief.  At the other end of the spectrum is elation, oneness with God, insight and clarity.  For most of our human history there has been a very foggy understanding of the relationship between states of consciousness and the biochemistry of the brain.

As you know, in the last few decades, scientists have begun to understand what is going on in the brain when, for example, someone is depressed.  There is a neurochemical imbalance.

Brian Cunningham explains to me that our brains have an array of neurochemicals that need to be in a specific balance.  To create a symphony, to make beautiful music, you want to have every instrument working in harmony. It’s the same thing with neurochemistry in your brain. When there is an imbalance, we experience negative states like anxiety, stress, and depression. Depression, for example, is characterized by a deficiency of serotonin. Anxiety could be too much elevation of cortisol and adrenaline hormones, or also an imbalance of serotonin. Everything has to be in balance.   We have, in recent years come to understand how to treat pathological states with chemicals.  When someone is depressed, they do not have enough serotonin. It is being created, but reabsorbed too quickly.  So by inhibiting the process of “uptaking” serotonin, we can reduce symptoms of depression.  An equivalent understanding applies to anxiety, and even more severe states like schizophrenia.

Now here is the really interesting part.  Ready?  Sure?  Ok.  Here goes!

The conversation gets really interesting when we question what is actually a normal and healthy balance of brain chemistry.  If you are simply not depressed, or not anxious, does this mean that the balance of brain chemistry is actually normal and healthy?

Cunningham says no.  We are all living with brains significantly out of balance, which makes it more difficult to relax into the natural state of consciousness.  He points out that not only is the planet is heating up with global warming, but so are the people. The primary cause of disease, he reports,  is now inflammation, the heating up of the body. There is a synchronicity on many levels, from the personal  to the collective. He sees that people are running 24/7, go go go, Starbucks and Redbull all day long, and then falling down. We are, he says, not respecting the cycles of life. And this manifests in negative, emotional states.

As we come to recognize that what we think of as normal and average is really imbalanced, we’re able to see first how lifestyle can be changed to a restore us to a natural state of balance. And then we can also understand the possibility of the right supplementation and nutrition to bring our brain back into a state of balance.

Cunningham says it’s about grounding yourself in the roots. To have a nice, healthy tree, you have to have good biochemistry. The soil has to be fertile. As well as good diet, good sleep, enough exercise, we can also use the right supplements to modulate the balance of brain chemistry.

He explains that your brain is a dance of hot and cold, light and day. We have neurotransmitters that get us up and get us going, and also inhibitory neurotransmitters that help us relax and reduce stress, and get into the flow of life. Both are needed.

Gaba is the main inhibitory transmitter in the brain. It helps you to relax and reduce stress. It is also involved in states of deep meditation, and supports the brain to allow us to have realization of awakening.  We are all, collectively, Gaba deficient.  The problem that if you go to a vitamin store and buy a bottle of Gaba, it it can’t get into the brain because the molecule is too big to cross  the blood brain barrier. It only has a moderate degree of success.

Brian has discovered a unique combination of amino acids including a special form of gaba called phenyl-gaba, which effectively passes through the blood brain barrier to directly effect brain gaba levels and optimize neuronal function. Chameli and I have experimented with this form of Gaba since early 2009.  It is called Gabatrol.  The great news is that you do not become dependent on it.  You use it as a form of biochemistry education.  When stress levels start to rise, which you can feel from your state of consciousness, you can take a one time dose of Gaba.  Your brain is restored to optimum balance in as little as fifteen minutes, which then allows you to make better choices about how to spend your time.  You remember how to relax and reduce stress, and you are more able to center and balance yourself so you can achieve whatever you want to with less effort.

We have noticed a wide array of benefits to working in this way.  Meditation goes much deeper.  Magically you find you have more time.  Sex becomes more relaxed, pleasurable and timeless.  You feel more love.  And, as I mentioned, one dose when you need it can get you back into balance for weeks or months till you need to use it again.  You can order Gabatrol here.

Please join Brian Cunningham and me at 6 pm PST on July 29th for a fascinating discussion about brain chemistry and consciousness.  We will also talk about how you can use Gaba in the same way as we have been doing to enhance every aspect of your life.  If you can’t make the live seminar, register anyway and we’ll send you a link for the replay.